Infant Care Rates

Infant Care Rates

Cost of Care: $10.00 per day

Daily Snack Fee: $1.00*

Activity Fee: $0.50

*if applicable

Preschool Care Rates

Preschool Care Rates

Cost of Care: $10.00 per day

Daily Snack Fee: $1.00*

Activity Fee: $0.50

*if applicable

School-Age Care Rates

School-Age Break Care Rates

Rates for care during in-service days and school breaks (where available).

Full-day Break Care: $20.80

Kindergarten Break Care: $10.00 

Summer Activity Fee: $5.00*

(*Summer activity fees apply at break programs at Crane School, Darwin School, Ecole Robert Browning, Frontenac, Julie Riel, Linden Meadows, Varenes, as well as Highbury School-Age and West Portage School-Age programs.)

School-Age Break Care Rates

School-Age Care Rates 

Full-day Care: $20.80

Before and After School Care: $8.60 (excludes West St. Paul, Grosvenor)

Nursery/Kindergarten Full-day Care: $10.00

Nursery/Kindergarten Care Only: $5.00 

Daily Snack Fee: $1.00*

Activity Fee: A fee of $0.70 applies for activities at programs offering 12-month care.** The fee will be $0.50 for other programs.

(*if applicable  **The following offer 12-month care: Chancellor, Crane School, Darwin School, Ecole Robert Browning, Frontenac, Kimberly Kids, Linden Meadows, Julie Riel, Riverview, Rockwood, and Varennes, as well as School-Age programs at Highbury and West Portage.

School-Age Care Rate Exceptions


West St Paul Rates

West St Paul Rates

Cost of Full-day Care: $20.80

Cost of After-school Care: $6.15

Activity Fee: $0.50

Grosvenor School

Grosvenor School

1045 Grosvenor Ave, Grosvenor School

Programs: School-Age

School Division: Winnipeg School Division

Phone: 204.831.2977

Before School Hours: 7:00-8:55 am; After School Hours: 3:30-5:30pm

Must attend Grosvenor School. School break care included.

Additional Fees

Program rates are included below. Additional fees may apply for special activities, late pick up, extended care, lunch/snack and break care.

  • Enrolment Fee: $60 enrolment fee for all child care programs
  • Lunch Program: $2.00 per day (not available at all centres)
  • Snack Fee: $1.00 per day (if applicable)
  • Activity Fee: A fee of $0.70 applies for activities at programs offering 12-month care.* The fee will be $0.50 for other programs.
  • Late Pick-up Fee: $10.00 per child for every 15-minute time block
  • Extended Care Fee (10+ Hours): Additional half-day charge (based on the regular cost of care at your centre)

* The following offer 12-month care: Crane School, Darwin School, Ecole Robert Browning, Frontenac, Linden Meadows, Julie Riel, and Varenes, as well as School-Age programs at Highbury and West Portage.)

Casual Care

If the centre has space in the program, they can accept non-program participants for up to 4 days per month without a formal registration or the parent committing to a daily fee. Fees are based on the type of care program the child attended.

Child Care Subsidy Program

We encourage all families to apply for childcare subsidy with the Province of Manitoba’s Childcare Subsidy office. The Child Care Subsidy Program provides provincial support to eligible families to help with the cost of care by reducing child care fees for children.

Group of Children Smiling

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