[Image] Akosua at a Y Winnipeg children's event standing in front of a bouncy castle

Akosua is an accomplished professional who says she grew up at the Y, gaining skills and experiences to help her be successful. 

Akosua started coming to the Y at a young age, learning to swim and having fun in the summer day camps. In her teens, she became a Y volunteer, helping kids be active and healthy in the same programs she once enjoyed. Then through leadership development, she became a Y staff member as an instructor for a variety of children and youth programs. In 2014, Akosua was a recipient of a YWCA Women of Distinction award. Since then, she has received the University of Manitoba Emerging Leader Awards, CBC Future 40 Award, and was named one of 100 Accomplished Black Canadian Women.  

“My experience at the Y really helped my personal development. I used to be very shy and didn’t speak a lot around other people. The Y gave me opportunities to get to know other people my age and the confidence to interact with them,” says Akosua. “Through my volunteer and youth work experience, I learned about teamwork, conflict resolution and communication. These are skills I continue to apply today.”

Now in a full-time professional role in government, Akosua still works casually as a children and youth program instructor and supervisor at the Y.  When asked why she continues to work at the Y she says she enjoys it so much and feels it supports her work-life balance.  “I just can’t leave. I’ve tried but find myself keep coming back,” says Akosua.  “The Y has always been a part of me, and I’m a part of it”.

Locations: Elmwood-Kildonan Y
Category: Personal Y Stories


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